Sorry for the slow reply. I left for vacation the following day. Had three great sessions. The track was experimenting with a Monday track day. It was good for me. Only four cars in my run group, so basically an open track. Got to "play cat and mouse with a Corvette". He was a bit quicker on the straights, but I got it all back in the braking zones and the turns. He told me later that it was the fastest he'd run there. I was a bit slower than my best, but still OK and really fun. The weather was the hottest I had run this year. The last session was 90F. Highest water temp was 206, Highest oil was 204. The water to the AWIC after the front radiator and pump was 106 and the AIT was 124. No issues with timing being pulled, etc. as I monitor that on my COBB real-time. The trans fluid got to 206. Like Gator, my temp issues seem to be solved, although I am running 20 minute sessions, not hour long events. For calibration, this data was from my third session and there was about an hour between sessions. At there end of the day, there were 55 approximately 20 minute sessions on my tires....A great day overall.